Welcome to the Epping St. John's Church of England school website. Here, you will find a wealth of information about the school and we have no doubt that you will be impressed by the school's commitment, being a centre of opportunity and achievement for the young people of Epping and the surrounding areas.
- Feb 10We are looking forward to welcoming Year 9 parents/carers and students into school on Thursday @ 6pm to discuss the OPTIONS process and for students to learn more about the brilliant curriculum choices available to them. @FittenMr pic.twitter.com/Uuv8iamFyR
- Feb 550 student turnout to our lunchtime session today! So proud of every single one for their motivation to turn up and do well! Year 11s - there is still space if you want to join! @EppingStJohns pic.twitter.com/43Wppsxd3a
- Feb 24If you missed it letter is out again today If you’d like to join us for quiz night get your team together & follow the payment details on the letter💚 https://t.co/9xILFantGp
- Feb 17Fully packed classroom for Monday's science aspiration in half term. Same outcome for F tier and Separate! Took 2 hours of learning extraction methods back to back like champions 🫡 @EppingStJohns pic.twitter.com/6YR9RhS5nw
- Feb 10We are looking forward to welcoming Year 9 parents/carers and students into school on Thursday @ 6pm to discuss the OPTIONS process and for students to learn more about the brilliant curriculum choices available to them. @FittenMr pic.twitter.com/Uuv8iamFyR
- Feb 550 student turnout to our lunchtime session today! So proud of every single one for their motivation to turn up and do well! Year 11s - there is still space if you want to join! @EppingStJohns pic.twitter.com/43Wppsxd3a
- Feb 24If you missed it letter is out again today If you’d like to join us for quiz night get your team together & follow the payment details on the letter💚 https://t.co/9xILFantGp
- Feb 17Fully packed classroom for Monday's science aspiration in half term. Same outcome for F tier and Separate! Took 2 hours of learning extraction methods back to back like champions 🫡 @EppingStJohns pic.twitter.com/6YR9RhS5nw