Emergency / Severe Weather Closures
The Headteacher may, on occasions, need to temporarily close the school due to isolated incidents such as burst boilers or due to severe weather conditions. In such situations, consideration will be given to the impact on the childrenโs education as well as to the effect on working parents and carers.
In the event of the school having to close, an announcement will, as usual, be placed on the school website and a message will be placed on the school telephone (01992 573028). Please note that local radio stations no longer announce school closures.
In addition, a message will also be placed on the Essex Schools Infolink:
When the school notifies the Essex Schools Infolink of a closure a live feed will appear on the Essex.gov website so that parents can stay informed. Closure lists on the Essex website will constantly update as and when notifications are received. Wherever possible, closure lists for the next day will go live the night before so that parents can plan ahead. As the Essex website will display closure information for all Essex schools, this would be a useful site to check if you have children at more than one Essex school.
May I therefore suggest that, in the event of a possible school closure, parents and carers check the school website, school telephone and/or the Essex Schools Infolink for further information?