Parent Teacher Association
The Parent Teacher Association Needs You!
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) needs you to help raise money to purchase some more items that will assist your child with their learning and enhance their experience at Epping St. John's.
We meet at least once a month to discuss events that we can organise to raise money. This money supports both the local community and ESJ.
We have held many successful events over the years and the money raised purchases items for the students, which would otherwise not be possible.
Securing a council grant to purchase much needed outdoor seating areas for students to be able to eat and socialise in comfort an setting up a TESCO campaign to support the initiative.
In 2020, the PTA supported ESJ by:
- Launching the 'donation station' to support key workers and those in need within the local community.
- Designing and funding banners to thank our key workers on behalf of ESJ, which were visible across Epping.
- Launching the online pre-loved uniform shop to allow a cheaper option to replacing an element of school uniform.
To date the PTA has raised over Β£20,000 and some of this money has been used to purchase the following:
- New minibus
- Gardening equipment
- A defibrillator
- Dining pods
- Outside table tennis tables
- Benches for the all-weather sports pitch
- Technical equipment for school productions
- Microscopes
- Photography equipment
- Robotics
In 2019, the PTA raised funds by:
- Organising a quiz night to support the new year 7s settle in to ESJ
- Organising the incredible Winter Leisure Skate event, complete with full ice rink and winter market at school.
Would you like to join the PTA? - Members of the PTA are usually current ESJ parents and new members are always welcome. It's a low key, social role that you can commit as much time to as fits around your schedule.
If you are interested in joining or supporting us, please sign up on the following link: