Local Governing Board
I would like to welcome you to the LGB section of the website. You will be able to find important information about the role that the LGB play in the operation of the school. Epping St. John's Church of England School is one of several schools who are part of a Multi Academy Trust called BMAT. BMAT was created to establish a network of schools in the Essex and North London that provide excellent academic tuition and outstanding vocational experiences for young people.
BMAT holds ultimate responsibility for all statutory obligations, accountability and decisions regarding the running of each individual academy/School in the Trust. However, BMAT delegates some of the operational decisions to LGB to enable a more localised and focused control, though it retains legal responsibility for standards across all academies in the multi academy trust. It gives due regard to any recommendations and guidance received from the LGBs and recognises their valuable contribution.
Although the LGBs are constituted in an advisory capacity to the BMAT Board of Directors, they play a vital and fundamental role of raising attainment and achievement in each academy/school through:
- Quality of Education
- Personal Development
- Leadership & Management
- Behaviour & Attitudes
To see what other areas ESJ LGB has responsibility for in terms of review and oversight see the bottom of this page for a document called Allocation of Governance for Trust Board level and Local level.
The ESJ LGB is made up of two staff members, volunteer parents/carers and members of the local community. Staff members and volunteer parents/carers are appointed by election by staff or parents/carers. Members of the local community are appointed by the board.
If you would like to contact a member of the ESJ LGB please contact Mr. Blaney, Executive Head who will direct you to the relevant member of the LGB.
Epping St. John's School Church of England School is a sponsored academy and is part of BMAT.
The allocation of BMAT governance responsibilities and ESJ LGB responsibilities within BMAT schools can be found below. If you require further information about BMAT, articles of association and annual audited accounts please click contact the Head of School or BMAT by the contact email below.
You can contact BMAT by email contact@bmatrust.org
If you wish to contact any member of the Governing Body please address your request c/o Ms Jade Garness, Headteacher's PA at Epping St. John’s, Bury Lane, Epping, CM16 5JB
If parents/carers or members of the ESJ community wish to see copies of the minutes of LGB meetings please contact Ms Garness and these will be made available within ten working days.
Register of Interests
Interests | ||||||
Name and appointment | Confirmed | Organisation | Type of interest | Notes | From | To |
Name: Amanda Bateman Appointment: parent Term of office start: 10/05/2022 Term of office end: 09/05/2026 Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 04/09/2024 |
- | - | - | - | - |
Name: Clare Beecroft Appointment: parent Term of office start: 10/05/2022 Term of office end: 09/05/2026 Appointed by: - |
Confirmed: 11/11/2024 |
- | none | - | - | - |
Name: Mike Coggins Appointment: foundation Term of office start: 08/06/2024 Term of office end: 07/06/2028 Appointed by: Chelmsford Diocese Education Trust |
Nothing to Declare: 24/09/2024 |
- | - | - | - | - |
Name: Clare Cooper Appointment: community Term of office start: 24/04/2024 Term of office end: 23/04/2028 Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 24/09/2024 |
- | - | - | - | |
Name: James Fitten Appointment: trust governor Term of office start: - 13/12/2022 Term of office end: - 12/12/2026 Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 11/11/2024 |
- | - | - | - | - |
Name: John Fry Appointment: foundation Term of office start: - 09/12/2024 Term of office end: - 08/12/2028 Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 03/09/2024 |
- | - | - | - | - |
Name: Punita Gadhvi Appointment: community Term of office start: - 19/10/2020 Term of office end: - 18/10/2024 Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 04/10/2021 |
- | - | - | - | - |
Name: Suzanne Milne Appointment: foundation Term of office start: - 01/10/2023 Term of office end: - 30/09/2027 Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 11/11/2024 |
- | - | - | - | - |
Name: Karen Salter-Kay Appointment: foundation Term of office start: - 24/03/2021 Term of office end: - 23/03/2025 Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 11/11/2024 |
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Name: Michael Yerosimou Appointment: academy headteacher Term of office start: - Term of office end: - Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 11/11/2024 |
- | - | - | - | - |
Name: Malihe Zare Appointment: staff Term of office start: 14/11/2022 Term of office end: 13/11/2026 Appointed by: - |
Nothing to Declare: 11/11/2024 |
- | - | - | - | - |