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Teens give back to their community
Posted: 28th March 2019Giving back to the community is helping teenagers to form their own futures.
Sixth form students at Epping St John’s School spend one morning each week completing a task to give back to their school community.
Recent activities have included –
- Supporting Year 11 with subject mentoring – A-level maths students mentoring Year 11 students on the grade 4/5 border or those aiming to achieve grade 7+
- Supporting Year 7 to 10 form tutor with admin tasks, form activities and one to one student conversations about attendance and general school concerns
- Supporting Year 7 with peer reading scheme
- Supporting in the Student support centre with a literacy catch-up programme
- Supporting the careers officer in speaking to younger students about their options and career pathways
- Supporting the attendance officer in mentoring persistent absence students getting into school
Ann Robinson-Smith, senior assistant headteacher, said: “This not only builds up a range of activities that they can write about on their university and apprenticeship applications, but it provides a way of raising their profile within the school and giving younger students something to aspire to.”
Stephen Hehir, executive head, said: “I would like to thank all of our wonderful students in Year 12 and 13 for being great citizens. The help and support they give to other students and in our local community is invaluable. This shows the caring and family side of Epping St John’s which is just as important as our academic side.
“Well done to all students and staff involved.”