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Catch-up sessions for Year 7
Posted: 26th April 2019A confidence boost in numeracy and literacy has helped students to settle into secondary school.
Students who arrived at Epping St John’s School needing extra support in English and maths attended the school’s first Year 7 catch-up sessions.
The 50 students took a test before the catch-up weeks and one at the end to measure the progress in their knowledge and skills.
Assistant headteacher Dee Sexton said: “This work helped students to gain confidence in their numeracy and literacy skills and will aid their progress in school. We had a whole week on each, so it was very intensive.
“Students were enthusiastic and really enjoyed it. Teachers are pleased with the progress students have made.”
The catch-up sessions, for those who arrived from primary school working below average, focused on comprehension, spelling, addition and multiplication.
The new Year 7 joining next year will take part in similar sessions in September.
Stephen Hehir, executive head, said: “It is vital that no students are left behind in their learning. At Epping St John’s, we not only focus on Year 11 and Year 13 examination classes, but all students and believe students in Year 7 are just as important.
“These catch-up sessions enable students to enjoy and develop a greater passion for English and mathematics.
“Well done to all students and staff connected with this programme.”