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Students perform after 5 months rehearsing
Posted: 5th April 2019Five months of preparation have culminated in a school’s latest showstopping performance.
Students at Epping St John’s School have been rehearsing three days a week for their production of High School Musical since October.
Year 7 to 13 students have taken on the roles of dancers, singers, actors, technicians, stage crew and artists as the school continues to grow its performing arts department.
Sarah Viccars, assistant headteacher and director of learning, said: “As our reputation grows, as does the pressure for an incredible show! We started raising the bar three years ago with our first production of School of Rock and have continued to set higher challenges ever since.
“This is the first production that involves our sixth form students and it’s great to see students performing together from age 11 to 18, creating the inclusive environment we want within Epping St John’s.
“The community are an incredible support and always turn out in force to watch our students – we are incredibly grateful for that. It’s great to have the community behind our children as we allow them to showcase their talent on a celebrated platform.”
Marley Chick, Year 10, played the lead role of Troy Bolton. He said: “The excitement and satisfaction of putting on a show is amazing. The people who come to see us are proud and we are proud of our friends, too.”
Reuben Hamilton, Year 7, formed part of the technical crew and was in charge of the curtain and sound throughout the performance. He said: “This is my first experience of a show. Although I’m not on the stage, I still feel the buzz of being part of the show as I have a key role. It has been really good.”
The school’s PTA has helped to fund the production, provide refreshments, create a themed stand and sell American themed snacks in the interval.