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Students complete 100 hours of extra work
Posted: 23rd April 2019Determined students have put in more than 100 hours of extra work to improve their chances of securing a university place.
Year 13 students at Epping St John’s School have submitted Extended Project Qualification coursework in addition to their three or four A-levels.
The work by the 16 students contributes to the UCAS points required for university entry.
Each student has picked a topic they are interested in, researched and completed a dissertation or created an artefact and gave a presentation.
The work equates to up to 100 hours of extra independent study.
Ann Robinson-Smith, senior assistant headteacher, said: “Students learned many skills completing this work, including suitability and reliability of research, how to use Harvard referencing, evaluation skills and how to write bibliographies.
“We have been very impressed by the calibre of presentations given by our Year 13s. They have chosen topics they are passionate about and have spent a great deal of time becoming mini experts on the issues.
“The skills they have learnt from this process will be invaluable as they embark on their university careers.”
Project titles included “Is England losing its national identity”, “Are primary schools successful at teaching phonics” and “Do we really only use ten per cent of our brains”.