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A-Level Case Studies
Posted: 18th August 2022Sixth formers are celebrating receiving the results of the first major exams they have ever sat.
Year 13 students missed out on sitting their GCSE exams two years ago due to pandemic lockdowns and school closures.
Instead, their grades were allocated by their teachers based on their previous achievements and coursework.
This summer, they were able to take their A-level and BTEC exams – and feel they have finally proven themselves in the traditional way.
Ben Roberts, from Epping, picked up three A grades and is heading to UCFB (University Campus of Football Business) Wembley to study multimedia sports journalism.
He said: “I am very happy with my results; they are better than expected. The hard work has paid off and I have exceeded my expectations.
“We have never sat proper exams before as we did not sit our GCSEs. That is why our A-levels were tough as we had never done them before. Now we have got the results and sat the exams properly, we feel we have really earned them. We have had a rough couple of years, but still sat the exams and so feel we have got the results we deserved.
“I have always wanted to be a sports journalist, so I am happy I can finally go to university to do that. I can’t believe it.
“Year 12 was the toughest, with online school for a couple of months. Throughout Year 13, the whole sixth form team has been great, supporting and helping us with everything. Miss Christofi (deputy headteacher) is the happiest and most motivational person I know; always trying to drive us forward.”
George Sack, from Epping, achieved two A* grades and an A grade and is now preparing to move to Bournemouth to start a banking apprenticeship with JP Morgan.
He said: “I am very happy, especially considering what we have been through and that we have never sat exams before.
“Having been through so much, it has made us really resilient as a year group. When it came to sitting the exams, it was not as daunting as it could have been, as a result.
“The support from the sixth form has been absolutely brilliant; I cannot fault them. They gave me so much coaching, support and help, applying for my next steps and for the exams themselves. Even into the evening, they were there for us.”
Ruby Turnham, from Epping, is heading for a career in midwifery after picking up an A*, two A grades and a B.
She said: “I was so pleased to collect my results; I was so, so shocked.
“It was definitely more daunting taking our exams, not having had the experience before. Finally, having a set of results from exams we have sat gives us a confidence boost. I am so relieved and so proud.
“The teachers at our sixth form are so supportive; you could not feel more supported. It is such a warm, caring sixth form. The teachers really know each individual student.
“It was very comforting that come results day that either way you would be supported and helped.”